
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Turf Renovations

During the course of the past week renovations of fine turf areas took place. These areas did not survive the winter due to ice and water. We are in the final stages of completing this process and will remain diligent in establishing these areas and return them to normal play. Through fertilization, topdressing and rolling this should be just a couple of weeks. Many of these areas have been roped off and marked Ground Under Repair, by keeping carts off and foot traffic to a minimum the establishment process will go quickly.

The following outlines the areas that were renovated:

Greens- #7 and #14. Very small areas on the front of the green that have been sodded.

Approaches- #5,10,14,16. These areas have been sodded, roped off and marked Ground Under Repair.

Fairways- #1,13,14,15. Small areas of these fairways have been aerated and overseeded, some areas have been roped.