
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Audubon Society Sign

You may have noticed the new addition to the flower bed under the flowering crab near #1 Tee. Last week, we installed a sign recognizing Minnesota Valley Country Club's dedication to the Audubon Sanctuary Program. Minnesota Valley is a leader amongst fellow clubs involved in the Sanctuary Program, we are very proud of this and felt adding a sign that every member and guest who visits our club becomes aware of the club's dedication to the Audubon Sanctuary Program.

The sign was custom made by Redwood Signs in Osseo, MN. They did a great job, and we are quite pleased with the look after it was installed. Redwood Signs also made two new pesticide application signs that will be posted any time spray applications are made.

Speaking of the Audubon Sanctuary Program, look forward to a new blog post in the coming days with an update of our Bluebird Trail. Reports are coming back very encouraging and we should have some great photos to share soon.