
Thursday, June 2, 2011

On Course Projects

Over the past week a couple of projects on the course have begun. Work has started on re-seeding our turf nursery. Over the past couple of years nearly all of the nursery has been used up. Around 4,000 square feet of the nearly 15,000 of available space remains. Some minor grading and soil work has been done to prepare for bentgrass seed, which will be put down in the coming days. The turf nursery is a vital tool for many projects that are completed at Minnesota Valley. Turf from our nursery is used on numerous projects such as turf renovations due to loss of turf over winter, new tee construction and green renovation and expansion. Many "plugs" are often taken from the nursery throughout the season to repair small, minor blemishes on the putting surfaces.

The following photo shows the large size of the turf nursery, all of the soil in the photo will soon be seeded and maintained as a regular putting green.

Area to be seeded in foreground, existing sod in back.

Work has also begun on improving the perennial bed that was added last year on #8 Tee. We found that during heavy rains much, if not all of the mulch and much of the soil would wash out the bottom of the bed onto the cart path. Timbers are being added to hold the mulch and lessen the slope. Soil will be added on the back side of the timbers and some plants will be added. We feel this bed has been a nice addition to the course, with a little improvement it will improve it even more.