Ten new trees were planted on the golf course this week. Six Dakota Pinnacle Birch trees were planted behind the 17th green, and four Zestar Apple trees were planted at seperate locations on the course. The Pinnacle Birch trees are part of the establishment of a new treeline and backdrop to the 17th green. And by the way, we're quite happy with the progress of the green addition there, and have started locating cups near the additions. Dakota Pinnacle Birch trees are narrow, spire-like trees, developed at North Dakota State University, and will mature to 20-30' X 6-10'. Perfect for the narrow stretch of ground between the carpath and the service road behind the 17th green. They're very tough trees, tolerant of a wide variety of conditions, and are very attractive. They have the typical white birch bark, a cute dark green leaf, and dark brown branches. They will also provide a good yellow fall color behind this green. Minnesota Valley had at one time, many apple trees that members could count on for a tasty snack as they played the course. Nearly all of those trees are gone now, so we thought it would be nice to add several eating variety apple trees at various locations on the course. You'll find these trees next to the cooler station on the 4th tee, between the 10th green and 11 tee, next to the 14th tees, and next to the on-course refreshment house next to the 15th tee. The Zestar Apple is an early apple with crisp, juicy fruit and tart flavor. It has better storage ability than most early apples and is good for eating and cooking. My better half, Shelby, and I, picked three pecks of them at an orchard near Winsted last fall and enjoyed them well into winter. Zestars were developed at the University of Minnesota and will grow to 18' X 18'. While I'm writing about trees, it's also worth mentioning the great performance of the six Princeton Elms we planted last year on #13, 14, and 15. These trees are fast growers, disease resistant, and rated one of the best new elms. Take a close look at all of these tree varieties as you play the course. I highly recommend each of them for planting.
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